
Damascus steel

The Damascus steel of the C150 series differs in its structure from the other EXKLUSIV series C100 and C90. The Damascus layers are made of special alloys that are flexible and at the same time produce an even more brilliant, high-contrast pattern. The C150 blades are ground entirely by hand to ensure that the cutting edge is perfectly centered and made from one of the purest carbon steels.

Best tool steels: We use steels with a high carbon content and rare metals such as tungsten. This allows us to create blades with extreme sharpness and a long service life.

Double-sided hollow grind: The faceted blade with a hollow grind on both sides ensures reduced food adhesion and makes the knife an all-rounder in any kitchen. From the back of the blade with up to 3 mm of solid Damascus steel, the blade tapers from the central ridge to a thousandth of a millimeter at the cutting edge: The double-sided hollow grind below the bevel is 100% handmade in the Nesmuk forge.

Exceptional hardness and sharpness: From fire-welding and forging, hardening, tempering and grinding the hollow grind to assembling the handle. It takes almost four dozen steps to produce a Nesmuk EXKLUSIV knife. The result is exceptional sharpness.


NPC coating

Protects against corrosion: Thanks to the glass-like NPC coating (Nesmuk Protective Coating) developed jointly with the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Nesmuk EXKLUSIV blades are protected against corrosion.

Advantage: We can use stainless steels for our blades as they have the best cutting properties.

The cutting bevel is uncoated: You should always clean your Nesmuk EXKLUSIV knife after use. Clean the blade with washing-up liquid and under running water, then dry well.

Aesthetic and ergonomic handles

Ergonomic and solid handles: For comfortable and fatigue-free working

High-quality materials: Hand-picked wood and high-tech plastic of the highest quality.

Unique one-offs: Individual grain, color shades and inlays in every handle


Manual work: Many work steps are carried out precisely by hand

Tradition meets innovation: combining centuries-old craftsmanship with state-of-the-art technology

Sustainability: focus on durable products

Made in Germany: Production in our own factory with the highest quality standards


Damascus Steel

The Damascus steel of the C150 series differs in its structure from the other EXKLUSIV series C100 and C90. The Damascus layers are made from special alloys that are both flexible and create an even more brilliant, highly contrasting pattern. The C150 blades are entirely hand-ground to perfectly and centrally expose the cutting layer, which is made from one of the purest carbon steels.

Best Tool Steels: We use steels with a high carbon content and rare metals such as tungsten. This allows us to create blades with extreme sharpness and long-lasting edge retention.

Double-Sided Hollow Grind: The faceted blade with a double-sided hollow grind reduces food adhesion and makes the knife a versatile all-rounder in any kitchen. Starting from the spine, which is up to 3 mm thick of solid Damascus steel, the blade tapers from the central ridge to a fraction of a thousandth of a millimeter at the cutting edge. The double-sided hollow grind below the facet is crafted entirely by hand in the Nesmuk forge.

Exceptional Hardness and Sharpness: From fire welding and forging, hardening, tempering, and grinding the hollow grind to assembling the handle-almost four dozen steps are required to produce a Nesmuk EXKLUSIV knife. The result is exceptional sharpness.

Patented NPC Coating

Protects Against Corrosion: Thanks to the glass-like NPC coating (Nesmuk Protective Coating), developed in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, the Nesmuk EXKLUSIV blades are protected from corrosion.

Advantage: We can use high-carbon steels for our blades, as they offer the best cutting properties.

The Cutting Edge is Uncoated: You should always clean your Nesmuk EXKLUSIV knife after use. Wash the blade with dish soap under running water and dry it thoroughly afterward.

Aesthetc and ergonomic handles

Ergonomic and Solid Handles: Designed for comfortable and fatigue-free use.

High-Quality Materials: Hand-selected woods and high-tech plastics of the highest quality.

Unique Pieces: Each handle features individual grain patterns, color variations, and natural inclusions.



Handcrafted: Many production steps are executed with meticulous handcraftsmanship.

Tradition Meets Innovation: Combining centuries-old craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology.

Sustainability: Focus on long-lasting products.

Made in Germany: Manufactured in-house with the highest quality standards.



Acciaio Damasco

The damask steel of the C150 series differs in its structure from the other EXKLUSIV C100 and C90 series. Gli strati di damasco sono realizzati con leghe speciali che garantiscono flessibilità e allo tempo creano un motivo ancora più brillante e ad alto contrasto. Le lame C150 sono interamente affilate a mano per esporre perfettamente e centralmente lo strato di taglio, realizzato con uno degli acciai al carbonio più puri.

I migliori acciai per utensili: Utilizziamo acciai ad alto contenuto di carbonio e metalli rari come il tungsteno. Ciò consente di creare lame con un'estrema affilatura e una lunga durata del filo.

Affilatura concava bilaterale: La lama sfaccettata con affilatura concava su entrambi i lati riduce l'adesione degli alimenti e rende il coltello un utensile versatile in ogni cucina. A partire dorso della lama, che può raggiungere i 3 mm di spessore in massiccio acciaio damasco, la lama si assottiglia dalla cresta centrale fino a un millesimo di millimetro sul filo di taglio. L'affilatura concava bilaterale sotto la faccetta è realizzata interamente a mano nella fucina Nesmuk.

Durezza e affilatura eccezionali: Dalla saldatura a fuoco e forgiatura, alla tempra, rinvenimento e molatura del profilo concavo, fino all'assemblaggio del manico. La produzione di un coltello Nesmuk EXKLUSIV richiede quasi quattro dozzine di fasi di lavorazione. Il risultato è un'affilatura eccezionale.


Rivestimento NPC brevettato

Protezione contro la corrosione: Grazie al rivestimento vetroso NPC (Nesmuk Protective Coating), sviluppato in collaborazione con l'Istituto Fraunhofer per la Tecnologia Chimica, le lame Nesmuk EXKLUSIV sono protette dalla corrosione.

Vantaggio: Possiamo utilizzare acciai ad alto contenuto di carbonio per le nostre lame, poiché offrono le migliori proprietà di taglio.

Il filo della lama è privo di rivestimento: Dopo l'uso, è necessario pulire sempre il coltello Nesmuk EXKLUSIV. Lavare la lama con detersivo per piatti sotto acqua corrente e asciugarla accuratamente.


Manici estetici ed ergonomici

Manici ergonomici e massicci: Per un utilizzo confortevole e senza fatica.

Materiali di alta qualità: Legni selezionati a mano e plastica high-tech di altissima qualità.

Pezzi unici: Ogni manico presenta venature, sfumature di colore e inclusioni naturali uniche.


Lavorazione artigianale: Molti passaggi produttivi eseguiti con maestria artigianale.

Tradizione incontra innovazione: Fusione di secoli di artigianato con tecnologie all'avanguardia.

Sostenibilità: Focus su prodotti durevoli.

Made in Germany: Produzione interna secondo i più alti standard qualità.


Acier Damas

The composition of the damask steel of the C150 series differs from that of the other EXKLUSIV C100 and C90 series. The damas couches are manufactured using special alloys that offer flexibility and an even more brilliant and contrasting motif. The C150 lamellas are completely molded on the main in order to perfectly and centrally show off the coupe, which is made from one of the purest carbone alloys.

Les meilleurs aciers pour outils : Nous utilisés des aciers à haute teneur en carbone et des métaux rares comme le tungstène. This allows us to create lamellas with an extremely high surface quality and a long cutting life.

Bilatéral creamy attachment:
The faceted lamella with a bilatéral creamy attachment reduces the adhesion of food and makes this blade a real versatile tool in any kitchen. From the base of the blade, which can reach up to 3 mm of solid stainless steel, the blade progressively increases in thickness from the central edge up to a millimeter at the edge. The double-edged, double-edged joint under the bevel is realized 100% on the main blade in the Nesmuk forge.

Dureté et tranchant exceptionnels : De la soudure à chaud et la forge, en passant par la trempe, le revenu et l'affûtage du creux, jusqu'au montage du manche, la fabrication d'un couteau Nesmuk EXKLUSIV nécessite près de quatre douzaines d'étapes. The result is an exceptional chop.


Revêtement NPC breveté

Protège contre la corrosion: Grâce au revêtement vitreux NPC (Nesmuk Protective Coating), développé en collaboration avec l'Institut Fraunhofer pour la Technologie Chimique, les lames Nesmuk EXKLUSIV sont protégées contre la corrosion.

Advantage: Nous pouvons utiliser des aciers riches en carbone pour nos lames, car ils offrent les meilleures propriétés de coupe.

Le biseau de coupe n'est pas revêtu: Vous devez toujours nettoyer votre couteau Nesmuk EXKLUSIV après utilisation. Lavez la lame avec du liquide vaisselle sous l'eau courante, puis séchez-la soigneusement.

Manches esthétiques et ergonomiques

Manches ergonomiques et massifs: Conçus pour un travail confortable et sans fatigue.

High-quality materials: selected main wood and high-tech plastic of superior quality.

Pièces uniques: Each manche présente des veinures, des nuances de couleur et des inclusions naturelles uniques.



Travail artisanal: De nombreuses étapes de production réalisées avec un savoir-faire artisanal précis.

Tradition et innovation: Alliance de l'artisanat séculaire et des technologies modernes.

Durabilité: Accent mis sur des produits durables.

Fabriqué en Allemagne: Production en interne selon les normes de qualité les plus élevées.




C150 系列的大马士革钢在结构上不同于其他 EXCLUSIVE 系列 C100 和 C90。其大马士革钢层采用特殊合金制成,既具备灵活性,又能呈现更加璀璨、对比鲜明的花纹。 _COPY0C150 刀刃完全由手工研磨,以完美居中地展现由最纯净碳钢之一制成的切割层。


最佳工具钢材: 我们采用高碳含量的钢材,并添加稀有金属如钨,以打造极其锋利且持久耐用的刀刃。

双面中空研磨: 经过精细打磨的刀刃采用双面中空研磨设计,可减少食材粘附,使其成为厨房中的多功能全能刀。从刀背开始,采用高达 3 毫米厚的实心大马士革钢,刀刃从中央脊线逐渐变薄,直到切割刃处仅剩千分之一毫米的精细厚度。刀刃下方的双面中空研磨完全由 Nesmuk 锻造工坊手工打造。

卓越的硬度和锋利度: 从火焊、锻造、淬火、回火、研磨空心刃,到最终安装刀柄,制作一把 Nesmuk EXKLUSIV 刀需要近四十道工序。最终成品具有非凡的锋利度。


专利 NPC 涂层

防止腐蚀: 由于与弗劳恩霍夫化学技术研究所联合开发的玻璃状 NPC 涂层(Nesmuk Protective Coating),Nesmuk EXKLUSIV 刀刃得到了防腐保护。

优势: 我们可以使用高碳钢制造刀刃,因为它具有最佳的切割性能。

切削刃无涂层: 每次使用后,您都应清洁您的 Nesmuk EXKLUSIV 刀。用洗洁精和流水清洗刀刃,并立即擦干。


符合人工程学且坚固的刀柄: 提供舒适和无疲劳的使用体验。

高质量材料: 精选优质木材和高科技塑料。

独特的个性: 每个刀柄都拥有独特的木纹、颜色阴影和天然纹理。


手工制作: 许多生产工序都以精细的手工完成。

传统与创新结合: 将百年手工艺与现代技术完美融合。

可持续发展: 专注于打造持久耐用的产品

德国制造: 在自有工厂内以最高质量标准生产完成。