Why did you become a chef?
"Through the family tradition, I think the path is already a bit predetermined
Without that it has been imposed with I had noticed early that the handling of food but also with guests is exactly mine.
I could never imagine anything else through my childhood in the inn."
What is the most beautiful thing about your job?
"The handling of food and the feeling of making people happy through my food.
But I also love the craft of cooking, the culinary art, the flavors - it simply inspires me every day anew."
What has been the biggest challenge so far?
"There are certainly a few to name here that have to do with my career. But broken down purely to cooking, certainly my first catering for 500 people on my own responsibility."
What does respect for food mean to you?
"Everything - without it you can not cook well but also not live well.
But you should also have respect for the craft in general.
It's important to me to have contact with producers, but also to know and appreciate their products!"
How important is sustainability in upscale cuisine?
"First of all - I think sustainability is not a trend but a way of life that is worth striving for for all of us.
Sustainability plays a BIG role in my kitchen and has for years."
How exactly do you bring sustainability into your kitchen/restaurant?
"This has to be carried through from front to back and starts with the producers. Dealing with employees and setting an example of sustainability is certainly the top priority. Regionality, environmentally conscious actions, local products of the highest quality and use according to the seasons are other activities that must be listed.
I think you just have to embrace your home with all the products and circumstances then you're already living a bit sustainably."
Which Nesmuk knife is your favorite and why?
"I love my first Janus with bog oak handle this I have now for 11 years and should be one from the beginning of Nesmuk. I cherish the knife every day."
What made Nesmuk knives different from other knives you've worked with before?
"A lot - The shape, weight and sharpness. Plus, the knives look pretty darn cool!"
What words would you use to describe Nesmuk knives?
"Grandiose craftsmanship and exceptional quality."