Price adjustment 2024
Secure products still available in 2023 at the current price.

Dear friends of exceptional quality,

The journey that each of our handmade pieces goes through is a promise of quality and craftsmanship excellence that we deliver with every detail. This commitment reflects our deep belief that good things require both time and the right investment.

Our dedication to quality and craftsmanship is evident in each of our products that leave our factory. Our knives are not just utensils, but witnesses of Solingen craftsmanship that add a special touch to everyday moments.

Given the current economic landscape, the cost of materials, energy and skilled labor has increased. In order to remain true to the quality you have come to expect, we will need to make a modest price adjustment of approximately 6% beginning January 1 of next year. This necessary adjustment will allow us to continue to deliver the exceptional quality you appreciate and also to continue developing new, appealing products that you will enjoy.

We recognize the challenges these times bring and have therefore decided to keep prices stable this year, especially in the run-up to the festive season.

We are pleased to offer our current inventory, which was still produced at the previous manufacturing cost, at the existing prices. This is an invitation to enjoy the beauty and functionality of our collections before the new pricing structure takes effect.

Your satisfaction and continued confidence in our products are our greatest motivation. We are always at your disposal should you have any questions or concerns.

With sincere thanks for your understanding and continued loyalty,


Stephan Borchert

Managing Director

Secure products at the current price!

Chef's knife 180 desert ironwood

Price 2023: 500 €
Price 2024: 530 €
Only a few available.

Chef's knife 180 bog oak

Price 2023: 400 €
Price 2024: 430 €
Only a few available.

Chef's Knife 180 Karelian Maserbirch

Price 2023: 500 €
Price 2024: 530 €
Only a few available.

Chef's knife 180 desert ironwood

Price 2023: from 600 €
Price 2024: from 640 €
Only a few available.

Chef's Knife 180 Karelian Maserbirch

Price 2023: 600 €
Price 2024: 640 €
Only a few left.

Slicer 160 olive wood
Price 2023: 470 €
Price 2024: 510 €
Only a few available.

Chef's Knife 180 Micarta Red

Price 2023: 400 €
Price 2024: 430 €
Only a few available.

chef's knife 140 desert ironwood

Price 2023: 480 €
Price 2024: 510 €
Only a few left available.

Slicer 160 olive wood

Price 2023: 370 €
Price 2024: 400 €
Only a few left.

Slicer 160 Bog Oak

Price 2023: 470 €
Price 2024: 510 €
Only a few available.

Slicer 160 Karelian Maserbirch

Price 2023: 570 €
Price 2024: 610 €
Only a few available.

Slicer 160 Micarta red
Price 2023: 470 €
Price 2024: 510 €
Only a few left.

Slicer 160 Bog Oak

Price 2023: 370 €
Price 2024: 400 €
Only a few available.

Slicer 160 Karelian Maserbirch

Price 2023: 470 €
Price 2023: 500 €
Only a few available.

Chinese Chef's Knife Karelian Maserbirch
Price 2023: 500 €
Price 2024: 530 €
Only a few available.

Chinese Chef's Knife 180 Bog Oak

Price 2023: 400 €
Price 2024: 430 €
Only a few available.

Chinese chef's knife 180 olive wood
Price 2023: 400 €
Price 2024: 430 €
Only a few available.

Chef's knife 240 olive wood
Price 2023: 500 €
Price 2024: 530 €
Only a few left.

Chef's knife 240 Karelian maser birch
Price 2023: 600 €
Price 2024: 630 €
Only a few left.

Slicer 260 olive wood

Price 2023: 400 €
Price 2024: 430 €
Only a few left.

Chef's knife 240 bog oak
Price 2023: 500 €
Price 2024: 530 €
Only a few left.

Slicer 260 Bog Oak

Price 2023: 400 €
Price 2024: 430 €
Only a few available.

Slicer 260 olive wood

Price 2023: 400 €
Price 2024: 430 €
Only a few left.

Office knife 90 bog oak
Price 2023: 330 €
Price 2024: 360€
Only a few left available.